Virtual 3-Week Infant Massage Course

This is a virtual class. There will be no children on camera for the massage portion of the class. You will receive meeting details after you sign-up.

Virtually, come and enjoy a relaxing bonding hour with your child, and experience the benefits of Infant Massage in a welcoming group setting. The rewards for your child include improved sleep patterns, infant ability to self soothe and relief from digestion issues, including colic. This class is led by a certified instructor of Infant Massage […]

Virtual 3-Week Infant Massage Course

This is a virtual class. There will be no children on camera for the massage portion of the class. You will receive meeting details after you sign-up.

Virtually, come and enjoy a relaxing bonding hour with your child, and experience the benefits of Infant Massage in a welcoming group setting. The rewards for your child include improved sleep patterns, infant ability to self soothe and relief from digestion issues, including colic. This class is led by a certified instructor of Infant Massage […]

Virtual 3-Week Infant Massage Course

This is a virtual class. There will be no children on camera for the massage portion of the class. You will receive meeting details after you sign-up.

Virtually, come and enjoy a relaxing bonding hour with your child, and experience the benefits of Infant Massage in a welcoming group setting. The rewards for your child include improved sleep patterns, infant ability to self soothe and relief from digestion issues, including colic. This class is led by a certified instructor of Infant Massage […]